Sunday, May 27, 2012

ADHDApps Tip #3 Three Questions when Buying an App

Three Q's to ask yourself when buying an App

1. Does this really solve a problem without creating a new one?

2. What is the refund policy?

3. Will this give me any edge, or extra time, as opposed to less?

Friday, May 25, 2012

For my Point of Care Pros and Clinicians!

Mobile recorder for the iPhone

Dragon Medical 360 | Mobile Recorder

With Dragon Medical 360 | Mobile Recorder, clinicians can use their smartphones or tablets to dictate at the point of care. Their high-quality audio recordings are then sent to a Nuance Healthcare background speech platform, enabling rapid and accurate documentation.
Clinicians using Dragon Medical 360 | Mobile Recorder save time when dictating, increase report accuracy, and improve document turnaround times. Furthermore, online app store and market installation minimizes demand on IT resources.
Dragon Medical 360 | Mobile Recorder delivers:
  • Clinician convenience and satisfaction
  • Clinician time-savings
  • Improved documentation accuracy
  • Improved documentation times

Does anybody have experience with this specific app? What do you think of it? I know a lot of clinicians who are interested in this technology, but I have never used this myself, so I am trying to get a good picture of how this works. 

ADHDApps Tip # 2 iPhone Photos 101